Green Energy Tips

Going green is a very important step that everyone will need to take if we are to save the planet we live on. While I don't want to sound like an old hippy, this is a fact. The impact of human activity on this planet is too much and it is everyone's responsibility to do something about it. This blog will contain all of my green energy tips along with some advice on ways you can modify your home and reduce your carbon footprint. I do not work in the green energy industry, but I have spent many hours talking with experts and carrying out my own research online.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Home Fire Extinguisher

Environmental Blog

Purchasing a fire extinguisher should be a straightforward task because all you need to do is walk into a department store, pick up a fire extinguisher and pay -- at least this is what most people believe. The belief can be attributed to the fact that all people know the primary function of a fire extinguisher is to put off fires. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Purchasing a fire extinguisher for your home should be undertaken with the seriousness it deserves because if you get the wrong type, then yours is no different from a house without a fire extinguisher. This article highlights some of the factors you must consider before purchasing a fire extinguisher.

Type of Fuel

Fire extinguishers are divided into different classes depending on the kind of fire they are meant to handle. For instance, Class A fire extinguishers are supposed to put off fires that burn common household materials such as wood, paper, or leaves. The class of fire extinguisher uses water to deprive the source of fuel heat necessary to continue burning. On the other hand, Class B fire extinguishers are used on gasoline, kerosene, or propane; therefore, they use dry chemicals to deprive the fire of oxygen. Thus, if your home is prone to electricity or oil fires, but you end up buying a Class A fire extinguisher, then it will not serve you as required. As such, you must consider the type of fuel that is more likely to start a fire in your home before buying a fire extinguisher.


You can hang a fire extinguisher indoors or outdoors, but what you should remember is that you cannot hang any fire extinguisher outside. For instance, Class A uses water to deprive the fuel source of heat, but you cannot place this type of fire extinguisher outside especially during winter because the water inside will freeze thereby rendering the equipment useless. Class B fire extinguishers are capable of surviving out in freezing temperatures because the dry ice is packed in the canister under high pressure and at below sub-zero temperatures. If you are planning to hang the fire extinguisher outdoors during the winter, then you are safer buying the Class B type.

Size and Weight of Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers come in various sizes and weights. There are small and light ones weighing about 4-5 lbs. These are portable, and they can be operated easily by most people. However, their effectiveness is dependent on the size of the fire as small canisters can only handle small furnaces that are less likely to spread rapidly. Bigger fire extinguishers, on the other hand, weigh between 10 lbs and 20 lbs and are very useful for larger fires that spread fast. Due to their sheer size, however, some people might find them difficult to lift, operate, and manoeuvre.


5 December 2017